AIML <star>标记



<star index = n/>


参考以下示例 -

   <pattern> A * is a *. </pattern>

      When a <star index = 1/> is not a <star index = 2/>?


如果用户输入A mango is a fruit.。 那么机器人会回答:When a mango is not a fruit?



文件:star.aiml -

<?xml version = 1.0 encoding = UTF-8?>
<aiml version = 1.0.1 encoding = UTF-8?>

      <pattern>I LIKE *</pattern>
         I too like <star/>.

      <pattern>A * IS A *</pattern>
         How <star index = 1/> can not be a <star index = 2/>?


文件:star.aiml.csv -

0,I LIKE *,*,*,I too like <star/>.,star.aiml
0,A * IS A *,*,*,How <star index = 1/> can not be a <star index = 2/>?,star.aiml


打开命令提示符。 转到D:/software/ab目录并键入以下命令 -

java -cp lib/Ab.jar Main bot = test action = chat trace = false

将看到以下输出 -

Human: I like mango
Robot: I too like mango.
Human: A mango is a fruit
Robot: How mango can not be a fruit?